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Work can provide a way for us to gain a sense of purpose and satisfaction, as well as financial security.  The workplace can also bring long hours, high expectations, lack of control, and pressure to conform to work-cultures, all of which can take their toll on our emotional and physical health.  People can also experience specific incidents of trauma in the workplace, via bullying, harassment, discrimination, being made redundant, or being involved in whistleblowing. 

Work in this area can include:​

  • Giving space to tell your story in a non-judgmental, empathic, and trauma-informed environment*.

  • Understanding your emotional and physical responses to your experiences, such as anxiety, depression, irritability, fatigue, or burn-out**.

  • Finding methods of self-care that meet your needs.

  • Exploring your values and goals for your working life, and how these relate to other areas such as health, family, and leisure.

* In the process of telling your story, care would be taken to ensure that you do not feel pressured to relive elements of your experience that were particularly upsetting or painful to recall.  The intention here is to provide a supportive opportunity for you to voice your truth, in whatever way feels helpful to you.

** Burnout is a way of describing a state of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress.  Although it can be felt at an individual level, it is important to recognise that the origins of burnout do not belong solely to the individual.  I welcome exploration of the many ways people are affected by their work environment.

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